
Best in Class

Dj 09
Side Event | Best in Class

Best in Class Dialogues 2022-2024: Sustainability in the Beauty Industry. A Global Approach

Meritxell Escarrà
Meritxell Escarrà THE BODY SHOP Marketing Manager Speaker
Yoshinori Kumasaka
Yoshinori Kumasaka SHISEIDO Director Sustainability Development Acceleration Departmernt Speaker

#Branding, #Reciclatge, reutilització i reducció, #Sostenibilitat

09-05-2024 11:45 09-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Dialogues 2022-2024: Sustainability in the Beauty Industry. A Global Approach International Business Center
11:45h - 12:00h International Business Center
Entrevista | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: KAO’s initiative towards the horizontal recycling of refill packs

Ryo Shibutani
Ryo Shibutani KAO CORPORATION R&D - Packaging Technology Research Speaker
Tadashi Tachinami
Tadashi Tachinami KAO CORPORATION R&D - Packaging Technology Research Speaker

09-05-2024 12:00 09-05-2024 12:15 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: KAO’s initiative towards the horizontal recycling of refill packs International Business Center
12:00h - 12:15h International Business Center
Keynote | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: City of Aarhus and ReUsable initative of takeaway packaging

Simon Rossau
Simon Rossau AARHUS CITY COUNCIL Project Leader Speaker
Geir Sæther
Geir Sæther TOMRA SYSTEMS Senior Vice President, Circular Economy Speaker

#Reciclatge, reutilització i reducció, #Sostenibilitat

09-05-2024 12:15 09-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: City of Aarhus and ReUsable initative of takeaway packaging International Business Center
12:15h - 12:30h International Business Center
Keynote | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: AMITA Corporation and the treaceability of recycled plastic bottle caps

Kaori Suzuki
Kaori Suzuki AMITA CORPORATION / CEO Codo Advisory Special Assistant to the CEO Speaker
Laura Corredor
Laura Corredor CIRCULARISE Customer Success Lead Speaker
Kodai Sakazaki
Kodai Sakazaki MARUBENI Senior Business Development Manager Speaker

#Reciclatge, reutilització i reducció, #Sostenibilitat

09-05-2024 12:30 09-05-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: AMITA Corporation and the treaceability of recycled plastic bottle caps International Business Center
12:30h - 12:45h International Business Center