Side events
EU GREEN DEAL: Sustainable Development Goals and Disruptive Innovation in Logistics and Transportation Activities

SEMINAR: INNOVATION IN PACKAGING: Driving competitiveness towards the future

Presentation “IAPRI – World Packaging Conference”

#Internationalisation, #Sustainability

#Certification, #Internationalisation, #Logistics, #Robotics, #Sustainability, #Talent and training, #Warehouse automation
How to construct value with packaging

#Branding, #Design
Heard of the FIEM funding bank and the many grants available from the CDTI for RDI projects?

How can companies meet the legal obligations under RD 1055/2022?

Sustainability and design

#Branding, #Design, #Sustainability
Packaging innovation and trends in the cosmetics, perfume and personal care industries.

Global market developments in cosmetics and perfumes

Development of material and packaging use in the cosmetics industry

Global macrotrends in the cosmetics industry

Cases of branding and packaging innovation in cosmetics and perfume

Viewing the future of packaging in cosmetics and perfumery

25 years labelling innovation

When the label becomes a visual symphony

#Design, #Labels
THE LABEL: Innovation and creativity, where are we going?

#Design, #Labels