
Alejandra Navarro Barrón

Sustainability Packaging Manager | Reckitt Barcelona, Spain
Alejandra Navarro Barrón


Industrial and Systems Engineer from ITESM, Master in Production Management from UPC, Specialist in Packaging Design and Development from IQS Barcelona and Expert in Packaging and Ecodesign from UNIR. After developing my first years of career at Steris in Mexico, Delphi and Greif in Barcelona, ​​​​for more than 12 years I have been working for Reckitt, in Quality, Copackers Management and Packaging positions and since 2022, as Sustainability Pa


Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Progress towards the publication of the European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Strategies for 2025-2030-2035-2040

Carlos Monerris
Carlos Monerris ITENE Business and Technology Transfer Director Moderador/Presentador
Alberto Lozano Aragonés
Alberto Lozano Aragonés Suntory Global Spirits Senior Procurement Manager - Packaging Containers Speaker
Alejandra Navarro Barrón
Alejandra Navarro Barrón Reckitt Sustainability Packaging Manager Speaker
Jesús López
Jesús López LIDL Head of Branding and Packaging Speaker

#Certification, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

08-05-2024 11:00 08-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Progress towards the publication of the European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Strategies for 2025-2030-2035-2040

During the sessions, leading companies in the packaging and container value chain will be commenting on the implication of the future European law on packaging and packaging waste with regard to ecodesign, recyclability, compostability, reuse and the introduction of recycled material. The companies will also share their strategies and ongoing developments for regulatory compliance in view of a temporary scenario which, as scheduled, will maintain 2025 and 2030 as the key dates and establish new milestones in 2035 and 2040.

Hispack Unboxing
Wed 8 11:00h - 12:00h Hispack Unboxing