
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide

Director of Business Promotion | AMEC
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide


Masters in International Trade from ESCI and Master in Digital Marketing from ESADE, he has been working in international business development for more than eight years. Since then he has dedicated himself to the global promotion of SMEs, as well as the management of global events such as ITMA. He is currently responsible for the business promotion unit at amec.


Activity | Hispack International Programme

Bilateral statement: Spain – Mexico

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Juan Alberto Ruiz de Velasco
Juan Alberto Ruiz de Velasco Amec Amec delegate in Mexico Speaker
Joaquín Catalá
Joaquín Catalá Consulado de México Consul Economic-Commercial and Promotion Affairs Speaker

07-05-2024 10:20 07-05-2024 10:35 Europe/Madrid Bilateral statement: Spain – Mexico

Bilateral statement on the challenges and opportunities of the Mexican market from the standpoint of its trade relations with Spain.

International Business Center
Tue 7 10:20h - 10:35h International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Joan Salinas
Joan Salinas Difmaq Engineer Speaker
Clara Vilchez
Clara Vilchez Innova Group International Sales Manager Speaker
Jesús Corbacho
Jesús Corbacho Macsa ID Area Manager Mexico Speaker
Joan Martínez
Joan Martínez Meler Iberia & Latam Sales Director Speaker

07-05-2024 10:35 07-05-2024 11:20 Europe/Madrid Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

The Best Cases program is a project of excellence that brings together the main practical and real success stories between Spanish exhibiting companies and clients, both national and international. In a brief, dynamic, but concise format, the program will allow you to know the details (problems, solutions, indicators, KPIs...) of these cases within the framework of the four days dedicated to the focus countries of Hispack 2024. In this way, those selected to be part of the program will exhibit on Mexico Day:

• Innova Group & GRUPO NUTEC

• Meler & ViniGalicia

• DIFMAQ & Bodegas Fundador

• Macsa ID & HERO

International Business Center
Tue 7 10:35h - 11:20h International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Bilateral statement: Spain – Poland

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Inga Matusik
Inga Matusik Polish Investment and Trade Agency Expert in International Trade Speaker
Cristina Serradell
Cristina Serradell ACCIÓ Director of the International Business Unit of ACCIÓ Speaker

07-05-2024 15:20 07-05-2024 15:35 Europe/Madrid Bilateral statement: Spain – Poland

Bilateral statement on the challenges and opportunities of the Polish market from the standpoint of its trade relations with Spain.

International Business Center
Tue 7 15:20h - 15:35h International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Jesús Sanmartín
Jesús Sanmartín Limitronic Global Marketing Director and Commercial Director Speaker
Alexandra Cid
Alexandra Cid CAPSA Marketing Manager Speaker

07-05-2024 15:35 07-05-2024 16:05 Europe/Madrid Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

The Best Cases program is a project of excellence that brings together the main practical and real success stories between Spanish exhibiting companies and clients, both national and international. In a brief, dynamic, but concise format, the program will allow you to know the details (problems, solutions, indicators, KPIs...) of these cases within the framework of the four days dedicated to the focus countries of Hispack 2024. In this way, those selected to be part of the program will exhibit on Poland Day:

• Limitronic & TERG

• Capsa & Media Markt

International Business Center
Tue 7 15:35h - 16:05h International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Mariona Pasqual
Mariona Pasqual INVpack Marketing & Communications Manager Speaker
Montse de Lorenzo
Montse de Lorenzo AYRTAC Export manager Speaker

08-05-2024 15:35 08-05-2024 16:05 Europe/Madrid Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

The Best Cases program is a project of excellence that brings together the main practical and real success stories between Spanish exhibiting companies and clients, both national and international. In a brief, dynamic, but concise format, the program will allow you to know the details (problems, solutions, indicators, KPIs...) of these cases within the framework of the four days dedicated to the focus countries of Hispack 2024. In this way, those selected to be part of the program will exhibit on Morocco Day:

• INVpack & Promerca

• AYRTAC & Biper Gorri

International Business Center
Wed 8 15:35h - 16:05h International Business Center
Side Event | Side events

Heard of the FIEM funding bank and the many grants available from the CDTI for RDI projects?

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
José Ignacio Pradas
José Ignacio Pradas ICEX Director territorial de Comercio y de ICEX Speaker
Xavier Pagès
Xavier Pagès COMEXI Director financiero Speaker
María José Tomás
María José Tomás CDTI Técnico Speaker

08-05-2024 11:30 08-05-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid Heard of the FIEM funding bank and the many grants available from the CDTI for RDI projects?

Jornada sobre soluciones de fi nanciación al alcance de las empresas: FIEM La jornada es gratuita pero el aforo es limitado, por lo que los interesados deben inscribirse previamente en el siguiente link de inscripción:

Sala de Prensa
Wed 8 11:30h - 12:45h Sala de Prensa
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Bilateral statement: Spain – Tunisia

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Tarak Cherif
Tarak Cherif CONECT Chairman of CONECT International Speaker
Diego Guria
Diego Guria Amec Subdirector general Speaker

10-05-2024 10:20 10-05-2024 10:35 Europe/Madrid Bilateral statement: Spain – Tunisia

Bilateral statement on the challenges and opportunities of the Tunisian market from the standpoint of its trade relations with Spain.

International Business Center
Fri 10 10:20h - 10:35h International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Michel Rodríguez
Michel Rodríguez E2M Export Area Sales Manager Speaker
Mohamed Achgaf
Mohamed Achgaf AND&OR Sales Manager Speaker

10-05-2024 10:35 10-05-2024 11:05 Europe/Madrid Best Cases – Spanish Solutions

The Best Cases program is a project of excellence that brings together the main practical and real success stories between Spanish exhibiting companies and clients, both national and international. In a brief, dynamic, but concise format, the program will allow you to know the details (problems, solutions, indicators, KPIs...) of these cases within the framework of the four days dedicated to the focus countries of Hispack 2024. In this way, those selected to be part of the program will exhibit on Tunisia Day:

• E2M COUTH & Escurís

• AND&OR & Delicias Coruña

International Business Center
Fri 10 10:35h - 11:05h International Business Center