
Camil Castellà

Socio Fundador | Aktiva Design Barcelona, Spain
Camil Castellà


I’m Camil Castellà, founder of Aktiva Design, where we challenge conventions in the world of branding, storytelling, packaging and motion graphics for the beauty sector. With my passion for rock music and in the three banks I lead, I have learned to bring the same energy and creativity to my workshops, talks and university classes. My mission is to inspire others, to think differently, to get people excited about the creative process and dare


Side Event | Side events

Global macrotrends in the cosmetics industry

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Speaker

09-05-2024 10:40 09-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Global macrotrends in the cosmetics industry CC1. ROOM 1
Thu 9 10:40h - 11:00h CC1. ROOM 1
Roundtable | Side events

Cases of branding and packaging innovation in cosmetics and perfume

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Moderador/Presentador
Enric Bellot
Enric Bellot Molpack Technical Manager Speaker
Aleix Triana
Aleix Triana Triana CEO Speaker
Pablo Benito
Pablo Benito Envaselia Commercial Director Speaker
Roger Jerez
Roger Jerez Grup TEB Business Director Industrial Speaker
Marta Ravés
Marta Ravés Sampling Innovations Europe Marketing Specialist Speaker

09-05-2024 11:00 09-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Cases of branding and packaging innovation in cosmetics and perfume CC1. ROOM 1
Thu 9 11:00h - 12:00h CC1. ROOM 1
Mesa Redonda | Side events

Viewing the future of packaging in cosmetics and perfumery

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Moderador/Presentador
Enric Bellot
Enric Bellot Molpack Technical Manager Speaker
Pablo Benito
Pablo Benito Envaselia Commercial Director Speaker
Marta Ravés
Marta Ravés Sampling Innovations Europe Marketing Specialist Speaker
Aleix Triana
Aleix Triana Triana CEO Speaker
Roger Jerez
Roger Jerez Grup TEB Business Director Industrial Speaker

09-05-2024 12:00 09-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Viewing the future of packaging in cosmetics and perfumery CC1. ROOM 1
Thu 9 12:00h - 13:00h CC1. ROOM 1
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Packaging Intelligence

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Speaker

#Branding, #Inteligencia Artificial, #Tendencias

10-05-2024 13:00 10-05-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Packaging Intelligence

I invite you to find out how artificial intelligence is transforming the world of packaging.We’ll explore the latest creative innovations and their impact on our daily lives, redefining the interaction with the products that we consume.Don’tmiss out on this chance to delve into the thrilling future of packaging powered by artificial intelligence.” 

Hispack Unboxing
Fri 10 13:00h - 13:30h Hispack Unboxing