
Inga Matusik

Expert in International Trade | Polish Investment and Trade Agency
Inga Matusik


A graduate in Iberian Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, she has worked at the Polish Investment and Trade Agency since 2019, where she initially supported the promotion of several sectors in Western Europe. She’s currently working on the expansion of Polish companies and the recognition of their products and services in the Spanish market.


Activity | Hispack International Programme

Bilateral statement: Spain – Poland

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Inga Matusik
Inga Matusik Polish Investment and Trade Agency Expert in International Trade Speaker
Cristina Serradell
Cristina Serradell ACCIÓ Director of the International Business Unit of ACCIÓ Speaker

07-05-2024 15:20 07-05-2024 15:35 Europe/Madrid Bilateral statement: Spain – Poland

Bilateral statement on the challenges and opportunities of the Polish market from the standpoint of its trade relations with Spain.

International Business Center
Tue 7 15:20h - 15:35h International Business Center