
Juan Alberto Ruiz de Velasco

Amec delegate in Mexico | Amec
Juan Alberto Ruiz de Velasco


Graduated in communication sciences and with more than two decades of experience in the Mexican market, he is a specialist in business internationalization and a business development consultant. He has a particular connection with the food sector, having developed multiple technological consolidation projects.


Activity | Hispack International Programme

Bilateral statement: Spain – Mexico

Alejandro Gallego Alcaide
Alejandro Gallego Alcaide AMEC Director of Business Promotion Moderador/Presentador
Juan Alberto Ruiz de Velasco
Juan Alberto Ruiz de Velasco Amec Amec delegate in Mexico Speaker
Joaquín Catalá
Joaquín Catalá Consulado de México Consul Economic-Commercial and Promotion Affairs Speaker

07-05-2024 10:20 07-05-2024 10:35 Europe/Madrid Bilateral statement: Spain – Mexico

Bilateral statement on the challenges and opportunities of the Mexican market from the standpoint of its trade relations with Spain.

International Business Center
Tue 7 10:20h - 10:35h International Business Center