
Kilian Garcia

Director of the international department | Foment
Kilian Garcia


He graduated in political science and administration at the UPF and obtained a master’s degree in international business at ICEX. He’s worked as a commercial analyst at the Spanish Embassy in Venezuela, as an advisor at the European Parliament and as a deputy country manager for the Bata company.


Activity | Hispack International Programme

Bilateral statement: Spain – Morocco

Kilian Garcia
Kilian Garcia Foment Director of the international department Moderador/Presentador
Saber Naimi
Saber Naimi AMDIE Head of Agribusiness section Speaker
Alberto Ordabás
Alberto Ordabás ICEX Market Analyst at the Spanish Embassy in Morocco Speaker

08-05-2024 15:20 08-05-2024 15:35 Europe/Madrid Bilateral statement: Spain – Morocco

Bilateral statement on the challenges and opportunities of the Moroccan market from the standpoint of its trade relations with Spain.

International Business Center
Wed 8 15:20h - 15:35h International Business Center