
Luis Villegas

President of amec envasgraf | Amec
Luis Villegas


President of amec envasgraf and CEO for 20 years of Effytec, a company which manufactures horizontal packaging equipment for sachets and pouches in all kinds of industries. He’s currently serving his first term as president of the main Spanish association in the technology sector for packaging, the body of which he was previously vice-president.


Activity | Hispack International Programme

Institutional welcome: Day of Morocco

Jordi Bernabeu
Jordi Bernabeu Fira de Barcelona Presidente de Hispack Speaker
Luis Villegas
Luis Villegas Amec President of amec envasgraf Speaker
Charif Cherkaoui
Charif Cherkaoui Consulado General de Marruecos en Barcelona Consul General de Marruecos Speaker

08-05-2024 15:00 08-05-2024 15:20 Europe/Madrid Institutional welcome: Day of Morocco

Institutional welcome to the Day of Morocco by authorities from the Consulate of Morocco, Fira and amec.

International Business Center
Wed 8 15:00h - 15:20h International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Institutional welcome: National Day of Tunisia

Luis Villegas
Luis Villegas Amec President of amec envasgraf Speaker
Fatma Omrani Chargui
Fatma Omrani Chargui Embajada de Túnez Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia Speaker

10-05-2024 10:00 10-05-2024 10:20 Europe/Madrid Institutional welcome: National Day of Tunisia

Institutional welcome to the Day of Tunisia by authorities from the Consulate of Tunisia, Fira and amec.

International Business Center
Fri 10 10:00h - 10:20h International Business Center