
Marc Monnin

General Director | Centro Español de Plásticos Barcelona, Spain
Marc Monnin


General Director of the Spanish Plastics Cluster. Experienced project manager both internationally and locally.


Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Use of recycled plastic in packaging: market needs to meet the 2030 goals.

Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plásticos General Director Moderador/Presentador
Virginia Muriel
Virginia Muriel García Carrión Sustainability Manager Speaker
Sonia Albein Urios
Sonia Albein Urios AIMPLAS Responsable del Clúster de Economía Circular Speaker
Josep Mª Alegre Batlle
Josep Mª Alegre Batlle ANARPLA Technician Speaker
Pere Coll Torrent
Pere Coll Torrent Enplater Group R&D Manager Speaker

#Certification, #New materials, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 16:30 07-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Use of recycled plastic in packaging: market needs to meet the 2030 goals.

The round table will address crucial topics in the field of recycled plastics, from the current market situation to future perspectives in its use in packaging. We will discuss practical experiences, highlighting opportunities and challenges, as well as the impact of taxation and certifications on the industry. We will delve into the relevance of recycled plastic in contact with food and conclude by evaluating the role of chemical recycling in achieving sustainability goals. An essential meeting to understand the current and future dynamics of plastic recycling.

Hispack Unboxing
Tue 7 16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing
Side Event | Side events

How can companies meet the legal obligations under RD 1055/2022?

Marc Monnin
Marc Monnin Centro Español de Plásticos General Director Moderador/Presentador
Jordi Picas
Jordi Picas Generalitat de Catalunya - Agencia de Residus de Catalunya Jefe del Departamento de Gestión de Infraestructuras Speaker
Mayca Bernardo
Mayca Bernardo ENVALORA Directora de Comunicación y Empresas Speaker
Ainhöa Lizarbe
Ainhöa Lizarbe GENCI Directora de Relaciones Institucionales y Comunicación Speaker
Teresa Martínez Sanz
Teresa Martínez Sanz IMPLICA Responsable del Punto de Información Speaker
Carme Balcells
Carme Balcells Centro Español de Plásticos Responsable de Asesoría Técnica y Proyectos Speaker

08-05-2024 12:50 08-05-2024 15:00 Europe/Madrid How can companies meet the legal obligations under RD 1055/2022?

Seminar on the Implementation of Royal Decree 1055/2022: Expanded Responsibility of Producers of Compliance Perspectives

Sala de Prensa
Wed 8 12:50h - 15:00h Sala de Prensa