
Track: From challenges to achievements

Tue 07
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 10:30 07-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice Hispack Unboxing
10:30h - 11:00h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 11:00 07-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainability of mass-consumption packaging: from theory to practice Hispack Unboxing
11:00h - 12:00h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

SINGLE‐PACK: Development of new biodegradable-compostable single-dose containers for packaging sauces and oils

#Ecodesign, #Food contact, #New materials

07-05-2024 12:00 07-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid SINGLE‐PACK: Development of new biodegradable-compostable single-dose containers for packaging sauces and oils

SINGLE‐PACK pursues the creation of a new single-dose container made of 100% paper, free of plastic liners in its composition, and suitable for packaging sauces and olive oil. It thus aims to become the first reference for single-dose recyclable paper packaging in a compostable blue container. The strategy is based on the formulation of coatings, and on establishing a multi-coating concept that, applied to paper, provides the fat resistance, an oxygen barrier and sealing capacity, required by ACESUR products. The project, co-financed by CDTI-FEDER, is being led by Acesur with the collaboration of AINIA as a technological partner.

Hispack Unboxing
12:00h - 12:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Redefining the package of the future: exploring ecodesign and eco-innovation at the forefront of sustainability

#Ecodesign, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 12:30 07-05-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Redefining the package of the future: exploring ecodesign and eco-innovation at the forefront of sustainability Hispack Unboxing
12:30h - 13:30h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

At bonÀrea we make things turn

07-05-2024 13:30 07-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid At bonÀrea we make things turn Hispack Unboxing
13:30h - 14:00h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Accelerate innovation through agile concept testing

07-05-2024 15:00 07-05-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Accelerate innovation through agile concept testing

The best way to innovate is to make ideas tangible and validate them swiftly. We will explain how, at the Eurecat technological centre, we have developed a methodology to help companies to accelerate their innovation processes, from the phases of identifying innovation opportunities to conceiving solutions and validating them through agile concept testing.

Hispack Unboxing
15:00h - 15:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Packaging in the cosmetics and perfume industry: projects, progress and challenges

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 15:30 07-05-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Packaging in the cosmetics and perfume industry: projects, progress and challenges Hispack Unboxing
15:30h - 16:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Use of recycled plastic in packaging: market needs to meet the 2030 goals.

#Certification, #New materials, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

07-05-2024 16:30 07-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Use of recycled plastic in packaging: market needs to meet the 2030 goals.

The round table will address crucial topics in the field of recycled plastics, from the current market situation to future perspectives in its use in packaging. We will discuss practical experiences, highlighting opportunities and challenges, as well as the impact of taxation and certifications on the industry. We will delve into the relevance of recycled plastic in contact with food and conclude by evaluating the role of chemical recycling in achieving sustainability goals. An essential meeting to understand the current and future dynamics of plastic recycling.

Hispack Unboxing
16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing
Wed 08
Interview | Hispack Unboxing

One step away from European packaging and packaging waste regulations

#Certification, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

08-05-2024 10:30 08-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid One step away from European packaging and packaging waste regulations

Only one step remains from the approval of new European packaging and packaging waste regulations, after the green light from European Parliament: Once the EU Council gives its official go-ahead, it will be of mandatory compliance by Member States. Its entry into force will entail amendments to Royal Decree 1055/2022 on Packaging and Packaging Waste and introduce, in some cases, more restrictive measures and extend, in turn, the terms for some of them until 2040. These differences with regard to the current regulation may have a direct impact on the companies of the European Union and the management of packaging and waste in the common market. To shed light on the implications for the entire packaging value chain, this talk will address in detail all the key points that the draft law sets out, placing special emphasis on reuse and returnable containers, as well as on prevention and recyclability.

Hispack Unboxing
10:30h - 11:00h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Progress towards the publication of the European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Strategies for 2025-2030-2035-2040

#Certification, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

08-05-2024 11:00 08-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Progress towards the publication of the European Regulation on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Strategies for 2025-2030-2035-2040

During the sessions, leading companies in the packaging and container value chain will be commenting on the implication of the future European law on packaging and packaging waste with regard to ecodesign, recyclability, compostability, reuse and the introduction of recycled material. The companies will also share their strategies and ongoing developments for regulatory compliance in view of a temporary scenario which, as scheduled, will maintain 2025 and 2030 as the key dates and establish new milestones in 2035 and 2040.

Hispack Unboxing
11:00h - 12:00h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Reutilisation and the circular economy in the cosmetics industry: Ecosmartpack 4.0 project, reusable, traceable and connected container.

#Connectivitat, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Traceability

08-05-2024 12:00 08-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Reutilisation and the circular economy in the cosmetics industry: Ecosmartpack 4.0 project, reusable, traceable and connected container.

The Ecosmartpack 4.0 project forms part of the field of smart, sustainable and innovative packaging for the cosmetics industry. The project provides for the development of solutions for the transition from the traditional single-use container concept towards a smart, reusable container that also allows for traceability during its many life cycles. The initiative, geared towards Industrial Research, on the one hand envisages the design and execution of the digital platform required for the container's traceability throughout its different useful life cycles and, on the other, the securing of a functional smart packaging prototype, with a traceability identifier in a simulated environment and validation.

Hispack Unboxing
12:00h - 12:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Strategic design of packaging and sustainability, beyond circularity

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

08-05-2024 12:30 08-05-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Strategic design of packaging and sustainability, beyond circularity

The Spanish Branding Association (AEBRAND) proposes to address in this round table the challenges and trends in strategic packaging design and analyse the keys to promoting sustainable innovation. The colloquium will bring together brand managers, agencies and designers who will share success stories and packaging solutions with positive impact.

Hispack Unboxing
12:30h - 13:30h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Innovation in Packaging from the perspective of the Food and Beverage Industry

08-05-2024 13:30 08-05-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Innovation in Packaging from the perspective of the Food and Beverage Industry

New technologies applied in recent years to food and beverage packaging have presented a challenge for the right way to position products on the shelves for consumers and all the food distribution channels. The use of new materials, advanced logistics and e-commerce, among other factors, are vital if the industry is going to continue to be highly innovative.


Hispack Unboxing
13:30h - 14:00h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Previews of the REBO2VINO project

#Ecodesign, #Logística inversa, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

08-05-2024 15:00 08-05-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Previews of the REBO2VINO project

REBO2VINO is an innovation project that aims to analyse the impact and viability of a glass bottle reutilisation system in the Spanish wine making industry, applying the principles of the circular economy. The initiative framework includes performing a market study and the design and deployment of an experimental pilot programme, as well as the creation of digital tools.

Hispack Unboxing
15:00h - 15:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Digital transformation of the industry. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence to foster sustainability

#Inteligencia Artificial, #Machine automation, #Robotics, #Warehouse automation

08-05-2024 15:30 08-05-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Digital transformation of the industry. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence to foster sustainability Hispack Unboxing
15:30h - 16:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Discovering the Keys and Trends that will Shape the Packaging Industry in the coming years

#Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

08-05-2024 16:30 08-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Discovering the Keys and Trends that will Shape the Packaging Industry in the coming years

In this talk, we explore the keys and trends that are shaping the future of the packaging industry. Through an exhaustive analysis of the data and emerging trends, we reveal how the packaging industry is evolving and adapting to changing market demands and consumer preferences. From the standpoint of sustainability and technological innovation to customisation and the user experience, we will be taking a look at the key factors that are driving the transformation of design, production and use of containers. What's more, we will be presenting hard numbers on the current state of the industry, providing valuable insight to companies and professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Hispack Unboxing
16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Fòrum Gràfic: Printing our Future

#Machine automation, #Tendencias

08-05-2024 17:30 08-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Fòrum Gràfic: Printing our Future

The GUILD of Industry and Graphic Communication of Catalonia presents this strategic project driving transformation. "Printing our Future" defines a new collaborative and circular productive model in which the engagement of companies is key to optimising/sharing technology and human capital. The session, chaired by Jordi Plà, a managing partner of plà&associats, will kick off the dialogue phase with the graphic companies and suppliers. 

Hispack Unboxing
17:30h - 18:00h Hispack Unboxing
Thu 09
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

The Plastics Transition: Industry roadmap for circular and net-zero emission plastics.

09-05-2024 10:30 09-05-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid The Plastics Transition: Industry roadmap for circular and net-zero emission plastics.

The plastics industry is in the midst of a transition towards a circular, net-zero ecosystem. To drive this change, in late 2023 Plastics Europe published “The Plastics Transition”, the roadmap for the industry toward circular plastics in Europe with net-zero emissions by 2050. The path ahead on this roadmap is supported by several pillars and levers that will have to be activated in order make a reality of the ambitions of an industry united around a common vision: one of sustainable plastics that continue to meet society’s needs and remain a key asset of the European economy.

Hispack Unboxing
10:30h - 11:00h Hispack Unboxing