
Track: Innovación

Tue 07
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

SINGLE‐PACK: Development of new biodegradable-compostable single-dose containers for packaging sauces and oils

Melchor Martinez García
Melchor Martinez García Acesur Director de I+D+i Speaker
Concha Bosch Navarro
Concha Bosch Navarro AINIA Packaging and Materials Manager Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Food contact, #New materials

07-05-2024 12:00 07-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid SINGLE‐PACK: Development of new biodegradable-compostable single-dose containers for packaging sauces and oils

SINGLE‐PACK pursues the creation of a new single-dose container made of 100% paper, free of plastic liners in its composition, and suitable for packaging sauces and olive oil. It thus aims to become the first reference for single-dose recyclable paper packaging in a compostable blue container. The strategy is based on the formulation of coatings, and on establishing a multi-coating concept that, applied to paper, provides the fat resistance, an oxygen barrier and sealing capacity, required by ACESUR products. The project, co-financed by CDTI-FEDER, is being led by Acesur with the collaboration of AINIA as a technological partner.

Hispack Unboxing
12:00h - 12:30h Hispack Unboxing
Wed 08
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Reutilisation and the circular economy in the cosmetics industry: Ecosmartpack 4.0 project, reusable, traceable and connected container.

Andrés López
Andrés López Babaria Director Técnico Speaker
Irati Herrero Imaz
Irati Herrero Imaz Feeling Innovation by Stanpa Deputy Director Speaker
Rosa González
Rosa González Aimplas Non-food Packaging Group Leader Speaker

#Connectivitat, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Traceability

08-05-2024 12:00 08-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Reutilisation and the circular economy in the cosmetics industry: Ecosmartpack 4.0 project, reusable, traceable and connected container.

The Ecosmartpack 4.0 project forms part of the field of smart, sustainable and innovative packaging for the cosmetics industry. The project provides for the development of solutions for the transition from the traditional single-use container concept towards a smart, reusable container that also allows for traceability during its many life cycles. The initiative, geared towards Industrial Research, on the one hand envisages the design and execution of the digital platform required for the container's traceability throughout its different useful life cycles and, on the other, the securing of a functional smart packaging prototype, with a traceability identifier in a simulated environment and validation.

Hispack Unboxing
12:00h - 12:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Previews of the REBO2VINO project

Julia Delgado
Julia Delgado Federación Española del Vino Adjunta Departamento Medio Ambiente Moderador/Presentador
Aleix Núñez Marcé
Aleix Núñez Marcé Bodegas Torres Climate Change Analyst Speaker
Sara Rodriguez
Sara Rodriguez Verallia Communication and SCR Manager Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Logística inversa, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

08-05-2024 15:00 08-05-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Previews of the REBO2VINO project

REBO2VINO is an innovation project that aims to analyse the impact and viability of a glass bottle reutilisation system in the Spanish wine making industry, applying the principles of the circular economy. The initiative framework includes performing a market study and the design and deployment of an experimental pilot programme, as well as the creation of digital tools.

Hispack Unboxing
15:00h - 15:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Digital transformation of the industry. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence to foster sustainability

Francesc Cortés Grau
Francesc Cortés Grau Leitat Área Manager de Robótica Moderador/Presentador
Albert Blasi
Albert Blasi MULTIVAC Director Engineering and R+D Speaker
Jon Martinez
Jon Martinez Inser Robótica R&D Director Speaker
Miquel Coca
Miquel Coca BECKHOFF AUTOMATION Territory Account Manager Speaker
Xevi Sagué
Xevi Sagué AETECH CSMO Speaker
David Selva
David Selva UNIVERSAL ROBOTS Channel Manager Iberia Speaker

#Inteligencia Artificial, #Machine automation, #Robotics, #Warehouse automation

08-05-2024 15:30 08-05-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Digital transformation of the industry. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence to foster sustainability Hispack Unboxing
15:30h - 16:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Discovering the Keys and Trends that will Shape the Packaging Industry in the coming years

Àlex Brossa Enrique
Àlex Brossa Enrique Packaging Cluster Cluster Manager Moderador/Presentador
Mireia Andreu Robert
Mireia Andreu Robert Packaging Cluster Innovation Manager Speaker
Loreley Videla
Loreley Videla Almirall Global Packaging & Design Specialist Speaker
Francisco Bernal
Francisco Bernal SP Group CEO Speaker
Cayetano Martínez Díez
Cayetano Martínez Díez DS SMITH Head of Marketing South Europe Packaging Speaker
Núria Betriu
Núria Betriu PASTISART Consellera Delegada Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

08-05-2024 16:30 08-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Discovering the Keys and Trends that will Shape the Packaging Industry in the coming years

In this talk, we explore the keys and trends that are shaping the future of the packaging industry. Through an exhaustive analysis of the data and emerging trends, we reveal how the packaging industry is evolving and adapting to changing market demands and consumer preferences. From the standpoint of sustainability and technological innovation to customisation and the user experience, we will be taking a look at the key factors that are driving the transformation of design, production and use of containers. What's more, we will be presenting hard numbers on the current state of the industry, providing valuable insight to companies and professionals seeking to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Hispack Unboxing
16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Fòrum Gràfic: Printing our Future

Jordi Plà Gómez
Jordi Plà Gómez Plà&Associats Partner Director Speaker

#Machine automation, #Tendencias

08-05-2024 17:30 08-05-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid Fòrum Gràfic: Printing our Future

The GUILD of Industry and Graphic Communication of Catalonia presents this strategic project driving transformation. "Printing our Future" defines a new collaborative and circular productive model in which the engagement of companies is key to optimising/sharing technology and human capital. The session, chaired by Jordi Plà, a managing partner of plà&associats, will kick off the dialogue phase with the graphic companies and suppliers. 

Hispack Unboxing
17:30h - 18:00h Hispack Unboxing
Thu 09
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Thematic tour: Industry 4.0 in the packaging solutions industry.

Carmina Castellà
Carmina Castellà Amec Groupings Director Speaker

#Connectivitat, #Machine automation, #Robotics, #Warehouse automation

09-05-2024 10:30 09-05-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Thematic tour: Industry 4.0 in the packaging solutions industry.

Thematic guided tour of exhibitor companies that especially stand out for their innovations in the area of Industry 4.0.

Meeting Point International Business Center
10:30h - 12:00h Meeting Point International Business Center
Activity | Hispack International Programme

Education: New products and trends in Packaging

Mar Porcar
Mar Porcar AIMPLAS Researcher in the Circular Economy and Environment group Speaker
Nuria López
Nuria López AIMPLAS Responsible for Food Packaging Speaker
Rosa González
Rosa González Aimplas Non-food Packaging Group Leader Speaker

#Certification, #Ecodesign, #New materials, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

09-05-2024 12:15 09-05-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Education: New products and trends in Packaging

Third and final training session on the series of seminars hosted by amec, AIMPLAS and Hispack for international visitors.

• Application of the circular economy in packaging.

• Success stories based on RDI in packaging. 

12:15h - 13:45h CC1. ROOM 3
Keynote | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: City of Aarhus and ReUsable initative of takeaway packaging

Simon Rossau
Simon Rossau AARHUS CITY COUNCIL Project Leader Speaker
Geir Sæther
Geir Sæther TOMRA SYSTEMS Senior Vice President, Circular Economy Speaker

#Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 12:15 09-05-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: City of Aarhus and ReUsable initative of takeaway packaging International Business Center
12:15h - 12:30h International Business Center
Keynote | Best in Class

Best in Class Project: AMITA Corporation and the treaceability of recycled plastic bottle caps

Kaori Suzuki
Kaori Suzuki AMITA CORPORATION / CEO Codo Advisory Special Assistant to the CEO Speaker
Laura Corredor
Laura Corredor CIRCULARISE Customer Success Lead Speaker
Kodai Sakazaki
Kodai Sakazaki MARUBENI Senior Business Development Manager Speaker

#Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 12:30 09-05-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid Best in Class Project: AMITA Corporation and the treaceability of recycled plastic bottle caps International Business Center
12:30h - 12:45h International Business Center
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Ecodesign in Action: Cross-Industry Sustainability Strategies in Food, Habitat, Fashion and Consumer Healthcare Packaging

Sofia Garin Martínez
Sofia Garin Martínez Inèdit Senior Project Manager Moderador/Presentador
Mireia Vilalta Rius
Mireia Vilalta Rius Danone R&I Packaging Sustainability Leader Europe Speaker
Mar Barri Carñes
Mar Barri Carñes Flax and Kale Sustainability Manager Speaker
Alba Obiols Sales
Alba Obiols Sales Kave Home VP Sustainability Speaker
Delia Ibañez
Delia Ibañez Desigual Head of Sustainability Speaker
Agustí Miralles Acosta
Agustí Miralles Acosta Uriach Director of Sustainability & Agile Management Office Speaker

#Branding, #Ecodesign, #Multisectorial, #Sustainability, #Tendencias

09-05-2024 12:30 09-05-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Ecodesign in Action: Cross-Industry Sustainability Strategies in Food, Habitat, Fashion and Consumer Healthcare Packaging

In our round table, we will talk about key sustainability and circularity indicators and strategies in primary and secondary packaging applied through ecodesign. Leading companies in various sectors (food, pharmaceutical, furniture and textiles) will share their experiences and learnings in projects that apply sustainable strategies throughout the value chain, adapting to the new regulatory and socioeconomic context.

Hispack Unboxing
12:30h - 13:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Sustainable materials, containers and recycling processes for generating barriers packaging for the food industry

Leonor Pascual Ramírez
Leonor Pascual Ramírez AINIA Packaging Projects Manager Moderador/Presentador
Jorge Martínez Fernández
Jorge Martínez Fernández Pascual Packaging Manager Speaker
Maria Pérez
Maria Pérez Grupo Nueva Pescanova Circular Economy Specialist Speaker
Juan Ramón Jiménez Baltanás
Juan Ramón Jiménez Baltanás adapa group Regional Sales Manager Spain & Portugal Speaker
Andres García de Tuñón Pirón
Andres García de Tuñón Pirón ARMANDO ALVAREZ Group Corporate Sustainability Manager Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Food contact, #New materials, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 15:30 09-05-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Sustainable materials, containers and recycling processes for generating barriers packaging for the food industry

Debate with leading companies in the sector about the environmental sustainability of food packaging and the need to combine it with the high barrier functionality that the market demands for the conservation of these products and the fight against food waste.

Hispack Unboxing
15:30h - 16:30h Hispack Unboxing
Mesa Redonda | Hispack Unboxing

Impact of Plastics on Packaging Waste Management

Montserrat Castillo Malivern
Montserrat Castillo Malivern IQS Packaging Academic Coordinator Moderador/Presentador
Salvador Borrós Gómez
Salvador Borrós Gómez IQS Director General Speaker
Victoria Ferrer Maymó
Victoria Ferrer Maymó Gremi de Recuperació de Residus Director Speaker
Cristina Alonso Alija
Cristina Alonso Alija Independent ESG & Sustainability Expert Speaker
Sandra Palacín Gómez
Sandra Palacín Gómez Mahou San Miguel Técnico especialista I+D Envases y Procesos de Embalaje Speaker

#Ecodesign, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability

09-05-2024 16:30 09-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Impact of Plastics on Packaging Waste Management

EU regulations on packaging and waste address environmental issues and the harmonisation of the internal market. Despite apparent success, the amount of waste is still on the rise (188.7 kg/inhab in 2021). This is underscored by the challenges of plastics recycling. Spain, the third leading country in plastics recycling, is still tackling this issue, with 36% of its plastic waste ending up in landfills. This raises waste management concerns and suggests the need for more effective policies and the promotion of alternatives such as reuse and recycling. These topics will be addressed by the round-table discussion “Impact of Plastics on Packaging Waste Management”.

Hispack Unboxing
16:30h - 17:30h Hispack Unboxing
Fri 10
Roundtable | Hispack Unboxing

Round-table discussion How do we transform the supply chain into a sustainable model? Analysis of reuse and reverse logistics strategies.

Gisèle Muñoz Alsina
Gisèle Muñoz Alsina Centro Español de Logística (CEL) Innovation & Development Director and Delegate in Barcelona Moderador/Presentador
Sergio Gellida
Sergio Gellida XPO Logistics Inc Head of Technology & Process Improvement Southern Europe Speaker
María Arribas
María Arribas Qaleon CMO & Business Development Director Speaker
Ester Mateu
Ester Mateu NACEX Processes Director Speaker
Eva María Calama Peña

#E-commerce, #Logística inversa, #Recycling, reuse and reduction, #Sustainability, #Traceability

10-05-2024 11:00 10-05-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Round-table discussion How do we transform the supply chain into a sustainable model? Analysis of reuse and reverse logistics strategies.

The debate will analyse various strategies and success stories focused on reverse logistics and reuse of materials and products. The aspects examined will include current regulations, technologies that can contribute to sustainability and the challenges that companies face in this area. The aim is to find solutions that drive the transformation of the supply chain towards a more environmentally responsible model.

Hispack Unboxing
11:00h - 11:45h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Artificial Intelligence applied to the packaging industry

Laia Garriga Mas
Laia Garriga Mas EURECAT Technology Transfer Manager, Aplied Artificial Inteligence Unit Speaker

#Inteligencia Artificial, #Talent and training, #Tendencias

10-05-2024 12:30 10-05-2024 13:00 Europe/Madrid Artificial Intelligence applied to the packaging industry Hispack Unboxing
12:30h - 13:00h Hispack Unboxing
Keynote | Hispack Unboxing

Packaging Intelligence

Camil Castellà
Camil Castellà Aktiva Design Socio Fundador Speaker

#Branding, #Inteligencia Artificial, #Tendencias

10-05-2024 13:00 10-05-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Packaging Intelligence

I invite you to find out how artificial intelligence is transforming the world of packaging.We’ll explore the latest creative innovations and their impact on our daily lives, redefining the interaction with the products that we consume.Don’tmiss out on this chance to delve into the thrilling future of packaging powered by artificial intelligence.” 

Hispack Unboxing
13:00h - 13:30h Hispack Unboxing