Tema: Japan day - Mercado de oportunidad
Japan Day at Hispack: a platform for collaboration between world regions
Japan Packaging Industry and Its Drive Towards Sustainability
#Internacionalización, #Reciclaje, reutilización y reducción, #Sostenibilidad
Achieving sustainable packaging and premium value
#Branding, #Diseño, #Sostenibilidad
Best in Class Dialogues 2022-2024: Sustainability in the Beauty Industry. A Global Approach
#Branding, #Reciclaje, reutilización y reducción, #Sostenibilidad
Best in Class Project: KAO’s initiative towards the horizontal recycling of refill packs
Best in Class Project: City of Aarhus and ReUsable initative of takeaway packaging
#Reciclaje, reutilización y reducción, #Sostenibilidad
Best in Class Project: AMITA Corporation and the treaceability of recycled plastic bottle caps
#Reciclaje, reutilización y reducción, #Sostenibilidad
Japan Day Cocktail Networking
Upcoming European Legislation on Sustainable Packaging – Potential for Global Impact?
Innovate, educate, collaborate!
“Practical solutions for a circular economy.”
Chemical recycling technologies and new trends